In-person and virtual appointments are available.
203 East Third Street, Moscow, ID
Tel: 208-997-4325

The Brightside Center offers counseling and psychological assessment services.
If you are a provider who wants to refer a patient for services, CLICK HERE for forms.
To learn more about scheduling with our office, contact us to schedule an intake appointment.
Collaborative Care
We strive to provide holistic care. This means that we will likely request permission to collaborate with other treatment providers, specialists and others who know you (or your child) well. You are an essential member of your care team and we consult with you about your observations, concerns, and "hunches" about what might be going on.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my child needs an evaluation?
Many seek an evaluation to better understand why their child is experiencing a specific difficulty. You might seek an evaluation if your child is receiving help, such as tutoring or counseling, and isn't making progress OR you're just not quite sure what's wrong and you need help coming up with a plan for helping your child.
An evaluation can help identify your child's unique brain style. This can help their care team (you, teachers, therapists) identify ways to help!
What's included in an evaluation?
Prior to testing we will complete an initial intake. For adults, we will meet with you one-on-one to discuss your concerns, history, and what you hope to learn from an evaluation. We will also identify any other factors that need to be ruled out or addressed first. Sometimes this is something as simple as a vision exam, other times it might be consultation with a medical specialist or counselor. If you are seeking testing for your child or someone in your care, we'll still meet with you one-on-one to gather more information so that we can work with you to make a well-informed decision about how to proceed. This intake will also help you decide if our office is a good fit for you before we get started. If you decide we are not a good fit, we'll help connect you with other resources.
During testing you will be asked to participate in a range of activities to assess your neurocognitive skills. You might be wondering: What does testing look like? Testing often includes:
Personal questions about your symptoms and history.
Hands on tasks, such as solving puzzles, building with blocks, or identifying patterns.
Reading, writing, spelling, and math tasks.
Memory and learning "games."
Answering questions out light, on a computer, and in a variety of formats (short answer, verbal, multiple choice).
Interviews with people (such as parents, spouses, or teachers) who know you well.
Review of your past testing records or treatment records.
Testing is often administered by a psychometrician who is trained in how to give and score measures. Some testing might also be administered by a psychologist. We typically complete testing in a single day (ranging from approximately 4-6 hours, with breaks as needed), however, follow-up appointments might be needed.
After testing is complete, we will schedule a follow-up session to review the results. We will provide a summary of what we think is going on, and work with you to collaboratively identify what to do next. Feedback usually occurs 2-3 weeks after testing and information gathering is complete.
Do I need to do anything to prepare for testing?
Here are a few things that can help testing go smoothly:
Please do not tell your child how long testing will take or how many times they might meet with us.
Make sure you (or your child) have a good breakfast the day of testing.
Bring a water bottle and snack(s) to testing.
Wear layers so that you can adjust if the temperature of the office is not comfortable for you.
Get a good night's rest prior to testing.
Avoid staying up late, watching scary movies, having caffeine, or deviating from normal routine the night before. ​
Medications should be taken as prescribed prior to and on the day of testing, unless you've been directed otherwise.
Please bring your copayment or amount due.
Discuss any substance use with your clinician as this might influence test results or medication efficacy.
If you or your child are showing signs of illness, please reach out to our office.
Do you offer legal or court-ordered evaluations?
Yes. If you are seeking an evaluation that is for legal reasons, please complete the new patient referral form. We will request to see any legal documents, such as a court order, past evaluations, and treatment records. We might also request to talk with your attorney and/or opposing counsel. We will discuss the nature of the requested evaluation and whether or not we are qualified to provide such services after reviewing or gathering additional information. Please note that forensic/legal evaluations are not covered by your health insurance.